We can design and provide recommendations to allow your products and equipment to survive random and sinusoidal vibration. The shock (abuse) tolerance of your products can be improved through increasing their ability to store energy. These can often be accomplished inexpensively, and often accompany reductions in part count and manufacturing costs.
High Impact Shock Testing

Dynamark has recently completed a High Impact Shock machine capable of performing tests per Mil Std-901. This machine is capable of testing “light weight” equipment up to 550 lb. It consists of a welded structural steel frame with a 400 lb hammer that swings through a 5 ft radius arc. The hammer strikes the backside of a mounting plate to which the test equipment is attached. This is a very energetic test. The shock impulse generated is very large. Its purpose is to simulate battle damage aboard US Navy ships and US Army installations and vehicles.
The shock machine, known in our laboratory as Thor, is readily available for service on very little notice. Using our data acquisition capability in house, we can monitor acceleration levels, displacement, electro-mechanical function, or any other aspect of performance of a Client’s test item during the test.
Dynamark Engineering has a vast hardware cache for piecing together precisely the custom test equipment needed by a Client. Our inventory includes motors, hydraulic drive systems, transducers of all types, strain gage equipment, oscilloscopes, signal generators, signal analyzers, strobe equipment, structural steel, and electrical equipment. These items can all be modified as required in house by our machine shop, soldering facility, welding facility, press forming capability, etc.
In most cases, we find that we already have the primary components necessary for a given job already in house. This saves dollar cost for the Client as well as the time expended to become familiar with some new test gizmo. So the time savings realized by coming to us really folds back into additional cost savings in terms of getting your product out sooner and less direct engineering labor on the project budget to get to the answer. We have in general already gone through the (sometimes painful) learning curve for the test equipment that is needed.
We have produced a wide array of systems to produce and measure operating torque, thermal transients, dynamic stresses, corrosion rates, visco-elastic creep, impact of all shapes, large amplitude vibration, ship’s motion, steady state acceleration, free fall, ocean bottom exposure, fiery crashes, force histories, material hysteresis, toughness, temperature-dependent material properties, large diesel engine combustion pulses, human food production, wall heater temperature profiling, UL burn testing, smoke emission, glaze ice accumulation, salt fog, rain testing, hurricane winds, high altitude, low altitude, ultra-high pressure, full vacuum, and many others.
Please give us a call. We can do it. There is a good chance we have already done something like it.