Our array of pressure testing equipment includes the full range of pressures normally needed for any industrial process. We can cover the full spectrum from a vacuum of 25 microns Hg all the way to 30,000 psi. We have blowers, pumps, lines, seals, gages, transducers, U-tube manometers, water columns, a hot wire anemometer, and Pitot tubes to get the information you need. We can produces either internal or external pressure with our in-house chambers.

(Our smallest chamber and our medium chamber.)
Our largest chamber has pressure application monitoring through NIST traceable instruments. With 850-psi and 50 cubic feet of internal volume, this vessel can test almost anything. The inside diameter is 48 inches and the height is 60 inches. There are many access data ports available to control or monitor any type of device while inside the vessel.